- Practiced our British accents
- Taught our dog to eat spaghetti "Lady & the Tramp" style
- Meowed at Alexa (fyi, she meows back; you can even purchase an assorted "box of meows." and no, we didn't...that may come later in quarantine)
- Gave each other tattoos with eyeliner and sharpies. Since one of the members of our household is 14, at least one of said tattoos involved body parts and/or bodily functions.
- Cooked an entire Easter dinner from scratch
- Got dressed up for absolutely no reason; some of us even wore makeup! And one of us decided to wear pants!!!
- Binge-watched Glee and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (which is awesome!)
- Ordered AXE body spray from Amazon that our BF wears so that our room and pillow smells just like him (note, this isn't recommended by the adult members of the household as it tends to travel throughout the whole house)
- Saw friends and family from a distance -- special thanks to friends who dropped off food to us this past week and family who provided Easter dinner since we couldn't enjoy it together
- Had an anxiety attack when we saw a black sock that was peeking out from behind the dog food bin and thought it was a mouse
- Sang and danced along to Disney sing-along on TV
- Wore sarong on walks around the neighborhood. Enjoyed funny looks from neighbors.
- Played indoor basketball
- Made frozen lemonade smoothies in Nutribullet - extra yummy with a touch of OJ. On tonight's menu: White Russian Smoothies!
- Took dog on 327 walks around the block. Dog now will literally not leave our side.
- Got out of Facebook jail then went off on the Chief Cheeto
- Made fart noises with putty
- Attempted to drink a gallon of water every day. Note: the adult members of the household believe this was done to take numerous breaks from online schoolwork.
- Applied to get medical marijuana card
- Purchased dress shoes online that will look cute with
clerics during internshippink bathrobe - Watched Easter worship services online in our jammies; we all sat together on the couch so it was *almost* like being in a church pew
- Attempted to match the meowing sounds of our cats. Cats are now eyeing us up suspiciously.
Hope you enjoyed our quarantine fun! Looking forward to hearing what you've been doing - please share in the comments! Stay safe...and don't forget to wear your mask and wash your hands 😀
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