Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I Went Walking With a Viking

Because we had a few days of chilly and rainy weather, I was glad that we finally had a nice day yesterday. Hubby and I were so excited to finally get outside and escape the four walls of our house, so we took a walk after we had lunch, while our daughter was finishing up her schoolwork for the day. I waited outside for him in my usual quarantine gear -- leggings and a hoodie -- and a few minutes later, watched in amazement as he and our dog emerged from inside the front door.

After 17 years of marriage, I pretty much know not to be surprised by what he does, but he finally managed to catch me off guard. As you may have read from one of my previous posts, he enjoys getting looks from our neighbors as he wears a sarong on warm days. Today was even better as he came out of the house...dressed in his Viking regalia, complete with his carved walking stick.

Yes, my husband does medieval re-enactment with a bunch of other people who enjoy dressing up and doing the same thing. They are part of a group called Dagorhir -- watch the movie Role Models and you'll get a better idea of their thing. Yes, he camps out for a week every summer with his fellow band of nerds and they beat each other up during the day with foam padded weapons and then cook dinner and party at night. Yes, I have witnessed this wackiness that they do when they practice -- and yes, while it's nerdy, his fellow nerds-in-crime are a bunch of great gals and guys who have become like a second family to him, and he's bemoaning the fact that he probably won't get to camp with them this summer because of quarantining. And yes, I have probably gotten some bit of information incorrect about what it is that they actually do, which he will gladly explain to me in great detail after he reads this!

Covid-19 hasn't totally dampened his spirits as he decided to let his nerd flag fly today when we walked...and yes, you may ask, we did indeed receive some interesting looks from people we encountered on our walking circuit. And no, I couldn't even socially distance myself from him because every time he saw someone approaching from afar, he grabbed onto my arm -- I was his handler that provided some semblance of normalcy to his geek-ness.

Because, well, pics or it didn't happen, here he is in his regalia!

But as I think about the walk, there's two things that come to mind:

1. at least he didn't wear his Viking headgear or metal armor, because that would have been really attention-getting; 

2. I wonder what kind of fun attire I can wear the next time we go out for a walk to give him (and our neighbors!) a laugh 😄 If you have any suggestions, let me know!!

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