Sunday, May 25, 2008

like a kid with a skinned knee

if you recall, my last post talked about how i was incapacitated for a few days with a sore back...well, if you didn't think i was a klutz before reading this, you'll be sure of it now!

so? my child was taking her afternoon nap and my mom and i decided that we needed to do some cleaning and reorganizing in our basement family room. we sorted through old christmas decorations, got rid of papers, and packed all of our junk into huge boxes that Dork had stashed into the storage room (never could quite figure out why we needed to save boxes from a tv we got a few years ago or from our daughter's carseat, but hey, they did come in handy now).

my mom and i were just about done and were carting the junk outside to put out for the trash hauler so he'd get rid of it tomorrow morning, when the flip-flops i was wearing decided to have a mind of their own and latch onto the side of the step on our front patio. down i went, the box i was carrying went flying, and instead of quickly recovering from the misstep, i made like a five year-old who was falling off a swing (with about 30 years added on) and landed right on both of my knees on the concrete driveway, then caught myself with my hands (albeit, a little too late).

i laid there for a second, not quite realizing what had happened, and when i drug myself up off the ground, blood was squirting from both knees, my back was throbbing, and i felt like a complete idiot. i had to take it easy for the rest of the day since my back was killing me...and i have to take a break from wearing shorts for a few weeks. either that, or my klutz secret won't be much of a secret anymore!

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